Monday 27 June 2016

Avatar by Mona

Room 19 have been creating Avatar using Cartoonify. The first avatar is one that represents themselves. They will introduce themselves using text in a speak bubble. Mona has made a good start to this. She has created a suitable avatar and inserted it into her google slide. She has created a speech bubble using the callouts from the shape tools. Next she will need to tell us a bit about herself. Like what is her favourite sport. Does she have any hobbies? How many people in her family? Does she have pets? 

What type of information would Mona not share on this slide?
What information is ok to share?
Who will see this slide? 
How can you share your learning?


  1. hello mona i think your avatar is great

  2. your avatar so so so so cooool

  3. i like your so so so so much

  4. Hi Mona your avatar is so funny
